Rehabilitation - Sports - Standing MRI - X-Ray
Step by Step Assessment/Management Process
Step 1 - making a thorough confidential assessment of your particular health problem. The goal here is to tease out the relevant clinical details in order to understand the mechanism/s underlying each patient’s condition. On your first visit, we will want to talk with you, not only about your immediate problem, but also about any other current or past health problems. A combination of structure, function, physical and neurological tests will then be performed which may include taking a set of x-rays, MRI or other special test. It is also important that any serious problems are ruled out, before we can assist any further.
Step 2 - working out the most suitable customised package of clinical care and self help advice for your particular problem – whether with us, or by appropriate referral to relevant practitioner/s when necessary.
Step 3 - fully explaining the nature of your health problem and recommendations so you can make an informed decision, then gain your consent to proceed. It is important that you understand the purpose of clinical care that is being recommended to benefit you and possible risks associated with the care. Chiropractors have an impressive safety record and various research studies have shown serious risks to be rare.
Step 4 - a trial period of specific care and customised advice will then commence – often on your first consultation. This is aimed at 'starting the ball rolling' to relieve pain or discomfort and commence/continue the healing process. Your clinical care and advice process is just like attending an education 'short course' – for you and your body to learn a new set of valuable skills.
Step 5 - your progress will be closely monitored, along with periodic case reassessments. If there has been satisfactory progress after the initial trial period but your goals have not yet been achieved, an additional period of clinical care and advice would be provided. Once your goals have been achieved, our aim is that you have become equipped to be able to self manage your clinical problem as much as possible. Thankfully, many problems can be resolved with customised strategies. However, some may require ongoing skilled management to help keep them under control. If at any time, despite our best efforts, a patient’s progress is not satisfactory with our clinical approach, they would be referred to other practitioner/s for further assistance.
If you need help with a quality and thorough clinical assessment and management/treatment process, call 9584 4856 to book your appointment.