The underlying principle at the Centre for Spine and Movement Related Disorders is customised and specialised attention since every clinical problem, and indeed every patient is unique.
Some of the problems that we help manage include:
• spine function, posture and movement 'faults' resulting in back, neck, limb pain
• spine disc problems with or without arm pain (brachialgia) or leg pain (sciatica)
• spine related headaches/migraines
• spine curvature (scoliosis) – particularly in children/teenagers
• sports injuries and decreased performance
• faulty breathing patterns
Unfortunately, it is relatively common for individual needs and patient goals not to be properly addressed with some of these types of health problems. This, in turn, can lead to frustration, wasted expense and delayed improvement. A key reason for this is that the spine and body movement system is sophisticated and intricate in its structure and function. So, when this particular body system stops working properly, a specific expertise is necessary to assess and help manage the many and varied symptoms and disorders that result.
Once we gain an understanding of each patient’s clinical problem and concerns, we partner with them to reach their goals in a cost-effective manner and as quickly as possible.
Various types of health care practitioners offer many different treatment approaches for spine and movement related disorders. Indeed, some approaches work better than others depending on the particular patient and their unique clinical problem. No single treatment approach is a ‘cure-all’. It is less important which type of practitioner provides the clinical care than the actual type of clinical care provided. This means that it is vital that the practitioner is up-to-date with the latest research advances.
The clinical procedures, exercise programs and other self management strategies that we use are state-of-the-art and based on the latest research. An important first step is working to achieve symptom relief as quickly as possible. We also educate patients about their clinical problem, and provide training with particular exercises and other self treatments, to optimise each patient’s role in management of their condition.
We commonly see patients who have not, unfortunately, had success with other treatments/management approaches. While it is rewarding to be able to assist many of these patients, there are certain situations we are not able to help with, or we may need to draw on the expertise of other health care practitioners to complement our clinical approach. If at all required, we provide appropriate referrals to relevant practitioners.
As part of a long established group health practice, we also have on-site diagnostic imaging technology to use if necessary to complete the assessment:
• X-Ray – Brighton Radiology
• Spine & Sports MRI – Bayside Standing MRI
If you have questions about whether we might be able to help your particular clinical problem, just give us a call on 9584 4856 (no GP referral needed). We can then have a quick chat to work out if it would be worthwhile making an appointment to assess the nature of your or family member’s condition in more detail.
“The spine and body movement system
is sophisticated and intricate
in its structure and function.”
“The clinical procedures, exercise programs
and other self management strategies
we use are state-of-the-art
and based on the latest research.”
“We commonly see patients who have not,
unfortunately, had success
with other treatments
and management approaches.”
130 Male Street
Brighton 3186
03 9584 4856